Friday, January 26, 2007

Hey, Murray. I was sitting in the jury selection room this afternoon, and I got an idea for the next comic. Have Timmy start with the pencils and the lettering, and I'll finish it up next week. Here's the idea:

In panel one, we can see Dr. Tintype's robot in the background, standing immobile up against the wall. His leg coverings are missing, so that you can see the rods and gears underneath. Doc is in the foreground with his back facing us, and we can see over his shoulder that he's reading a catalog advertising "the latest in robot fashions." (You and Timmy can play with the wording, maybe more of a "fine fashions for the discerning mechanical man" sort of thing.)

In panel two, we've got a closeup of Doc giving a handful of bills to his nephew Zeebo and saying, "Go out and buy a pair of ro-pants for Donald Duck back there."

In panel three we're back to the same room as panel one (with the robot in the back), and Zeebo has returned and is proudly holding up a pair of designer jeans with fish eggs sewn all over them. Maybe the label can also say "Beluga" or something like that. Doc is sort of jumping up with his hands on his head and little anger lines coming off his head, and he's yelling, "You idiot! I said RO-pants!" The robot has a smaller word balloon that says, "Man, it smells fishy in here."

You get the idea. We'll work out the kinks when I get back.


P.S.--I also overheard something that you might want to pass on to Shuffy for one of his brown paper jobs. I was in the court house cafeteria at lunch sitting near two cops, one of whom as it turns out was also named Murray, and he said to the other one, "So, the other day Joe and I went out on an eviction case, and when we get into the apartment it stinks to high heaven. So he turns to me and says, 'Jesus, Murray, it's as dirty as a baby hooker in here.' " I figure he'll be able to use that somewhere.